Nazaudy, a spark in your curious mind

About me

Some of the links that I liked the most are in this area

Any questions or doubts about my website, my IT and/or astrology services, don't hesitate to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cualquier duda sobre mi blog, o cualquier pregunta sobre mis servicios de informático y/o astrólogo no dudes en consultarme escribinedo a: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you! And may you have a wonderful day full of magic and joy

Friday, 12 April 2013



Some of the websites that I highly recommend and that I check very often (one of them is the home page of my browsers) are these:

About me - Editing with care

  • El poder la Palabra, is in Spanish and gets updated every Monday, go and pay a visit even if you don't know the language, your culture will increase exponentially:

El Poder de la Palabra

  • Astronomic Picture of the Day (APOD), has been with me since the early beginning, and I think it was the first website I fell in love with back in the year 2000, its page gets update daily displaying pictures of the Cosmos, such a great way to start the day

Astronomy picture of the day


In September 2014 I run 10K during the event "Run to the Beat". Managed to raised £555 for the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research charity:

I did this to support my brother-in-law who was suffering cancer at the time. Sadly, he passed away in early March 2015, age 44. RIP


Thank you very much to all that contributed!


 Another video I'd like to share if the one of me jumping off a plane: "Jumping out of a perfectly working purple plane", there you go!


These are the countries I've visited to date on our wonderful planet :) I used to get the  travel map built at "" but now the site I'd recommend to build a Travel Map is this, where you can logon with your own Google account or similar:

Visited countries by Nazaudy

And of course, you can also check My Travels section here: where I've started to document my recent trips

Have a fab day!


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