Nazaudy, a spark in your curious mind

Microsoft Excel only prints to default printer - error 0x00000709

This article explains you how to fix an issue with Microsoft Excel only prints to the default printer, not matter what you do, and you can't change it to any other printer of your choice, giving the computer error message 0x00000709....damn computers! lol

This is a problem with Microsoft Excel being a bit lost reading a particular registry key from the computer. The problem is not with Excel itself but with the registry of your computer. You can test this by trying to change the default printer, if it gives you the error message: "Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709). Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network", then you know is something wrong with your computer

 Operation could not be completed trying to change default printer


Fix: Delete old printers from the registry key

To fix this problem, logon as an administrator to the computer, open regedit and navigate to this registry key:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices

You will notice, most likely, a massive amount of old printers:

Open Registry Editor to fix error 0x00000709

Start deleting the printers that are not valid any more, most likely the local ones, leaving only the ones that you absolutely need, and then give a nice reboot to the computer


After the reboot, if you are able to change the default printer without having the above error 0x0000709, Excel will work

Change default printer


See below the default printer is different:

 Choosing an alternative default printer


 London, 11 May 2011



If you liked this hack of mine about how to fix error 0x00000709 when Microsoft Excel only prints to default printer, here there are others! :) 



Error operation could not be completed 0x00000709 when installing a network printer

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